úterý 31. března 2020


Odpovědi na otázky mi posílejte do středy (1.4.) do 16 hod.

Read and answer the questions (odpovídejte celými větami!)

Hello! My name is Ema. I am 13 years old. I live in Plzeň in Czech Republic. I am 155 cm tall. I´ve got big blue eyes and long black hair. I like going to the cinema, reading books and playing tennis. I´ve got two cats – Simba and Flo. My favourite subject  is Geography. My lucky number is 8. My favourite colours are blue and yellow. I love spring because everything is blooming.

Where is Ema from (Where does Ema live)?
How old is Ema?
Has Ema got blond hair?
What does Ema like?
What is Ema´s lucky number?
And what is your lucky number?
What is Ema´s favourite subject at school?
Has Ema got any animal?

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