pondělí 6. dubna 2020


Doufám, že se vám v předchozím úkolu (členy) dařilo ;) Nyní něco velikonočního, když už jsou Velikonoce za rohem :o) 

Přečtěte si krátký článek o Velikonocích a pak zodpovězte otázky. Odpovědi na otázky mi pošlete do středy do úterý do 16 hod.  Do slovníčku si pak zapište slovíčka pod otázkami.

Easter is one of the great Christian festivals of the year. It is full of customs, folklore and traditional food. Easter is at a different time each year. It happens on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the first day of spring. Now, Easter is mainly associated with eating lots and lots of chocolate. On Easter Sunday people give chocolate Easter eggs as presents. People also decorate Easter eggs and parents tell their children that the Easter rabbit brings the eggs and hides them in the garden. The kids then have to run around the garden with baskets looking for these eggs. The one who finds the most is the winner (this is called Egg Hunt).
And some traditional meal? Hot Cross Buns are traditionally served on Good Friday (the Friday before Easter). Hot Cross Buns are bread buns with currants and spices and they have a cross on top (to represent the cross of Jesus).
(upraveno a zkráceno z helpforenglish)

When does Easter begin?
What do people do on Easter Sunday?
What do parents tell to their children?
When are Cross Buns served?

A prosím zapište si do slovníčku tato slovíčka:
bunny – králíček
basket – koš, košík
cross – kříž, křížek
customs – obyčeje, zvyky
hunt – hledání, pátrání (po něčem)
spring – jaro
tradition – tradice
bun – houska, houstička 
Good Friday - Velký pátek 

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